

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is David Barron and I live just outside of Houston, in Humble, TX.  I have a wonderful wife of 31 years, and three children (a six year old, thirteen year old and fourteen year old). 

I began my teaching career teaching an automotive program in El Paso, TX. On any given day up to a third of my students were being monitored for parole violations or other legal infractions. The program was housed in a small building originally built for small engine (lawnmower) repair. The program quickly out grew the facility and I was able to convince the largest GM dealer in town to let me teach my program in his dealership. The following year I was invited by General Motors to attend a meeting in Dallas, Texas to establish the GM, YES (Youth Educational Systems), which eventually became the Automotive YES as more manufactures joined in. During the nine years of that program dozens of students were sponsored into GM, Ford, Toyota and other programs. Our Skills USA chapter helped students to not only receive mechanical training, but leadership as well. Students in the program went on to earn medals in leadership events in both individual and in team categories.

After 10 years of teaching in El Paso, my family and I moved to Humble, Texas where I accepted a teaching position for Pre-Engineering in the new Career and Technology Center. During the three years I taught in this program my students competed in two engineering contest: Can’struction and Underwater Robotics or (ROV’s Remotely Operated Vehicles). In both contest students moved on to Nationals and were able to travel to Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, Massachusetts and University of California at Santa Barbra. The program also had a Technology Student Association chapter that the students competed in.

I taught CTE courses for thirteen years at the high school level before moving to my current position at Riverwood Middle School in Humble Independent School District as an administrator, six years ago. This was done for purely financial reasons, with my third child on her way into the world it was necessary to increase the amount of money coming into the home. I work on my campus with teachers to create learning opportunities using my background and belief that we learn best when we are doing. I believe that in academic education we are too concerned with the student having the right answer the first time. In order for students to really understand a process I think they need to experience the trails and tribulations, the failures of not getting it right the first time. Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work”, when trying to find the right filament for his light bulb. In my experience students learn best when faced with a challenge and are able, with support, to over come the challenge. I believe the challenge must be authentic for the student to gain wisdom from their work.

I joined the USF family to pursue my passion of Career and Technology Education. After completing my Doctoral degree I hope to join Texas A & M Corpus Christi and work with educators and adults learners to create authentic learning opportunities for all learners in the state of Texas.